Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hello Everyone!!!!!

I thought it would fun to start a group write things...keep in touch..upload each other to websites, etc....its not a big deal...just jump on every now and then and say hello to everyone-keep in mind what you put here.......everyone can read :-) ...if you plan to run for public office in your careful what you post!! :-)
....update all of us on what's going on with you and your family.......I figure there are friends and family who might think this is fun.....if not....there just won't be any posts to this except mine!! and I'll soon get the message!!

...this is not meant to be a formal forum....just run on thoughts.....quick up dates...... quick update on Mom's affairs......her apartment is closed, bills are paid, etc. ; I have lots of pictures to bring to the gathering next year (see more on that below).....she had more than I knew about; we are still looking for a home for Oscar...but have some nice possibilities...and I got the car switched (thanks all for your help with that) things are settling down....I had dinner with her friends from the apartment.....what a hoot!!! heard some cute the afternoon "sipping of Kalua" with one of her friends and the "pajama breakfast with all the Red Hat ladies" !! ...was obvious they enjoyed Mom's friendship...and they were so cute when I showed them pictures of her from the service, younger ages - all were ohhing and ahhing about how pretty she was........turned into a fun night!! they also asked...."are the stories about your family REALLY true??" not knowing exactly what stories they'd heard...I just said YEP...probably true :-) gathering.......Ty& guys and Bill are the ones who have not chimed in...are you up for this? ..I think we'll have a lot of fun....and we need to get all our kids re-introduced!!!

ok...let me know if this blog idea is a bust...or sort of fun.......Dee