Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hello Everyone!!!!!

I thought it would fun to start a group write things...keep in touch..upload each other to websites, etc....its not a big deal...just jump on every now and then and say hello to everyone-keep in mind what you put here.......everyone can read :-) ...if you plan to run for public office in your careful what you post!! :-)
....update all of us on what's going on with you and your family.......I figure there are friends and family who might think this is fun.....if not....there just won't be any posts to this except mine!! and I'll soon get the message!!

...this is not meant to be a formal forum....just run on thoughts.....quick up dates...... quick update on Mom's affairs......her apartment is closed, bills are paid, etc. ; I have lots of pictures to bring to the gathering next year (see more on that below).....she had more than I knew about; we are still looking for a home for Oscar...but have some nice possibilities...and I got the car switched (thanks all for your help with that) things are settling down....I had dinner with her friends from the apartment.....what a hoot!!! heard some cute the afternoon "sipping of Kalua" with one of her friends and the "pajama breakfast with all the Red Hat ladies" !! ...was obvious they enjoyed Mom's friendship...and they were so cute when I showed them pictures of her from the service, younger ages - all were ohhing and ahhing about how pretty she was........turned into a fun night!! they also asked...."are the stories about your family REALLY true??" not knowing exactly what stories they'd heard...I just said YEP...probably true :-) gathering.......Ty& guys and Bill are the ones who have not chimed in...are you up for this? ..I think we'll have a lot of fun....and we need to get all our kids re-introduced!!!

ok...let me know if this blog idea is a bust...or sort of fun.......Dee


Lauren said...

Glad things are settling down for you Dee. Thanks for sharing and for taking such good care of Mom. I'm sure the Red Hat ladies heard a few tales and that Mom had lots of fun with her and with the pictures. Speaking of pictures... have you sent any to Phill and Jenny? I'm not sure what response they have had from anyone else so you are probably the source of whatever family memories lie in photos...

Jason Maddox said...

I like the blog idea...Not sure how many of us will post but I'm in.

Dee said...

cool...thanks for jumping on.....

..Jase, you'll have to stick a pic on of your new camper....I think it is great!! we want to borrow it sometime :-) I think we'll need a full lesson on set up though!

yep...Lauren...I sent a bunch of pics to Phill and going to send some more of all the grand and greatgrandkids I scanned later this weekend.....will be fun to see what they come up with...

JennyK said...

Dee, I like this idea! I'll have to check out the website a little more to see how it all works etc.
Sipping Kahlua in the afternoon??? That sounds like a fun story. :)
Grammy was lucky to have you so close to take care of all of these details. Thank you for doing so much. I hope Little Osc finds a good home, I'm sure he misses Grammy very much.
We are definitely looking forward to all getting together next summer, it's long overdue.
We've found a host for the website for Grammy, and it looks pretty cool, there seems to be a lot of features that will help us all keep in touch better. My favorite pic of Grammy that you sent was the portrait of her when she was maybe in her 20's?? She was beautiful and had such a pretty smile...

Dee said...

I agree...that picture is so good....and the one at her 50th Highschool reunion (in the blue dress) is awesome too....let me know when you want to talk dates/pic identification :-)

Maddox said...

Hi Everyone - Great idea Mom it will be nice to talk and catch up with everybody, it has been so long since we have all gotten together(too long). I am looking forward to seeing you all next year!

Dee said...

hi all....looks like the family trip in June 8-15, 2008 is a go - at least most folks have said yes :-) ...I will check on the accomodations...see when we have to commit...then I'll need reasonably real numbers....I'm still working on a guess of about 20 or so.....only about 8 months....Leslie has offered to research things in the area to do....we'll keep talking and figuring it out over the next few months....

Dee said...

hi all....I sent an e-mail around with new info on the family gathering....need feedback on which week....and you can check out the 2 houses, side by side on Lake Lure (I found a better deal :-) ...see them at #16496 and #59142...think it will work out really well...
..AND the good news is....we found a wonderful home for Oscar....with an older couple (in-laws of a good friend) and they have a son who lives with them - he's blind ...can only see a little bit....he had to get down close to Oscar too see him....but has taken him on as HIS dog :-) Oscar sleeps in his room.......they LOVE him...he's settled in nicely....they live about 1.5 hours from a good thing all around!!

Robin said...

Just checking in. Thanks for sharing family news. Glad to hear Oscar has a new home. All is well with the Stults. Shannon and I are moving to Dallas in mid-October. Harmon is staying behind to get the house ready for sale in spring. I still can't believe we're heading for Texas but its a great opportunity and we're all up for a new adventure.

Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing. My love to family!